Welcome to my blog and thanks for taking interest in learning more about me. To start, you should know that I am a dabbler. Though I rarely focus my energy on one activity long enough to become an expert, I have a plethora of interests among which are hiking, biking, photography, reading, writing, and cooking. I live in a small town in Colorado’s western slope that allows me to pursue most of my interests daily.

After college, I let writing take a backseat to wandering around the world and a bit of soul, which somehow led me to back to school. For the last two years, I have been pursuing my Master’s in Professional Counseling. Elusive as the degree seems at times, it is getting closer. I should be a bonifide therapist come May, 2009. For now, I must be content with the fact that I have finished with classes and am left with a year-long internship to complete. 

With a bit more time on my hands and a much more inspirational local to call home, I hope to rekindle my daily – or at least weekly – dabbles in writing.  As a high school student, I published a short story in a collect of short stories tilted “Ophelia Speaks” – a New York’s Time best seller back in the day. I went on to study creative fiction writing as an undergrad at Kenyon College, home of the prestigious Kenyon Review. And then, I got distracted. I put up my journals and notebooks and ignored the incomplete stories lurking in files on my computer. This summer, those stories surfaced. Reading through them, I began to sort through the cobwebs and dust that had fallen on the plots and characters over the years.  As I did so, fresh ideas began to swirl in my mind. Thus, I decided it was time to delve into the art of writing in the cyber-age.

That brings me to the purpose of this blog. My general hope is to find joy in writing about the simple things and that my ramblings will be enjoyable to others. My long-term goal is that I reconnect with myself as writer and gain some discipline, perhaps even delve into the world of networking. The content will likely focus on storytelling stemming from my daily activities, thoughts I feel worth sharing, the ins-and-outs of life in a small town, and of course the endless entertainment I find in my dog, my cat, and my husband. However, my passion in writing lies within the art of the short story. I look at my blog as a place to stretch my fingers and get back in the mindset of writing for others.

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